
Nagesh Ghodke - 48'' by 60'' - NG19M


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250,000 - 300,000

Nagesh Ghodke

Nagesh Ghodke is popular for his village scapes and finds his muse in ever changing nature. His geographical and cultural upbringing has largely inspired his work. Having grown up in a village, he uses his work as a medium to depict the beauty and aesthetics of a rural scene but at the same time utilises his work to bring to light the destruction of nature and the resulting plight of villagers. His works are abstract and most prominently used medium is acrylic. His colour palette consists of greens, blues and reds with each colour setting a mood in his paintings.

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Nagesh Ghodke

Price on Request



48'' by 60''


Acrylic on Canvas

Size Category





Towns & Cities

Size Total


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SKU: NG19M Categories: , ,

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