Puja Kshatriya
Puja Kshatriya

Puja Kshatriya is a merit scholar from College of Art, New Delhi. The artist enjoys creating meticulous work against the backdrop of textured surfaces, combining free-flowing shapes with geometrical forms. Puja Kshatriya has had several successful exhibitions in Delhi, Mumbai, Dubai, London, and Singapore. She has participated in many prominent group shows including Art Summit, Delhi, United Art Fair, Delhi & Affordable Art Fair in Singapore. She is a recipient of various awards from famous Art Institutions like ‘Sahitya Kala Parishad,’ Chandigarh Art Museum & ‘Festival of Art, Dubai. Her paintings and sculptures are in the collections of National Institutions like Lalit Kala Akademi, Sahitya Kala Parishad, Hudco Museum, and Habitat Centre. Her works are also included in several private collections in India and Overseas.


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